Deal flow management

Drive deals through collaboration

Tired of tracking companies in Excel? Streamline your deal flow management process with Catalist.

Join 100+ industry leaders that work with Venture IQ

Build proprietary company databases with minimal effort
Focus on deals that matter with data-driven insights
Automate company screening to build your pipeline
50% saved time through powerful automation
Collaborate to share and retain knowledge
Easily collaborate and assess companies with your team

Manage deal flow with ease

Work together with your team on analyzing start-ups and keep track of the most promising opportunities in one central platform. Catalist will provide your team with tools and data to save hours on manual deal flow screening and data enrichment.

Total companies in dealflow
Example chart in dashboard
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Dealflow breakdown
 Example chart in dashboard
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Collection of companies
Company logo in the dashboard
Team Relevance
Team Relevance
Company logo in the dashboard
Team Relevance
Company logo in the dashboard
Team Relevance
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Company logo in the dashboard
User photo in dashboard
Personal Relevance:
Photo of a user in the dashboard
Personal Relevance:
Photo of a user in the dashboard
Personal Relevance:
Photo of a user in the dashboard
Personal Relevance:
Venture IQ Company Icon

Involve the entire team in the rating & assessment process

Internal alignment is key for the success of any investment team. Work together with your colleagues on analyzing companies in one environment. Collect and aggregate comments and ratings from team members to build a collective view of companies you would like to monitor and invest in.

One source of truth

Done with messy Excel sheets and dispersed information? In Catalist you can collect and store all information and thoughts on the companies you love. Structure your leads by topic, generate rich company profiles, get up-to-date fte and funding data, and add pitch decks, deal information, and your own thoughts. You are in complete control of your data with Catalist.

artifical intelligence
machine learning
Venture IQ Company Icon
Feed of AI companies from Github
Venture IQ Company Icon
Your AI Collection
Venture IQ Company Icon
search in over 1 mln profiles from Github

Add intelligence and automation with Catalist

One platform to find, understand, collaborate, and track companies. Catalist harnesses automation, AI, and data analysis to drive efficiency in lead generation, company screening, deal flow management, and collaboration. Capitalize on Catalist to gather and process more companies to find your perfect match.

Learn more about Catalist
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Customer Stories

We work with leading M&A, innovation and strategy teams from companies in every industry to drive meaningful engagements.