Bespoke Market mapping for exclusive insights

Unlock unique market intelligence on key innovation areas and target segments tailored to your strategy and needs with Venture IQ's market mapping services.

Join 100+ industry leaders that work with Venture IQ

Build proprietary company databases with minimal effort
Comprehensive market landscapes
Automate company screening to build your pipeline
Unrivaled insights, through powerful automation
Collaborate to share and retain knowledge
Proven track record with 500+ successful projects

Unlock proprietary market intelligence

Discover the answers to any of your market questions with our specialized market mapping solutions. With our platform, Catalist, we efficiently screen millions of web pages, gathering unreported data points for every company in the market. Accessing proprietary information deepens your understanding of the market landscape, revealing untapped opportunities, high-potential segments, and spot-on competitor analyses.

Catalist can help you find web based evidence for the most important datapoints

Receive complete market maps to benchmark targets

For teams seeking a specific solution or type of company, Venture IQ can help cut through marketing noise, compare companies on core features, and select the best matches. Getting the right insights can be challenging since highly specific market maps do not exist in traditional datasets. Our team is experienced in systematically breaking down any market segment and assessing companies based on your criteria.

Data-driven & efficient process

Leveraging our deal sourcing software, Catalist, we uncover companies beyond conventional databases like PitchBook and Crunchbase in any geography. With Catalist's automation, our consultants dedicate more time to add value to your market research, surpassing traditional labor-intensive approaches. By automating data enrichment with external sources in Catalist, we make sure you get up-to-date insights on FTE, Funding, Revenue, and more.

Criterium: target should use artificial intelligence
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Verified data:
Artificial Intelligence
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Machine Learning
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Venture IQ Company Icon
Catalist can help you find web based evidence for the most important datapoints

Continuous collaboration & iteration

Our market mapping process embraces flexibility and collaboration. We understand that plans may evolve due to changing circumstances, new data, or unexpected developments. To ensure seamless collaboration, we plan interim meetings and use our platform, Catalist, for live feedback sharing throughout the entire process. With our agile market landscape approach, your solution evolves alongside your goals, guaranteeing the best possible results.

Customer Stories

We work with leading M&A, innovation and strategy teams from companies in every industry to drive meaningful engagements.