Mergers & acquisitions

Find M&A targets that fit your criteria

Targeted deal sourcing to help your M&A team find and close more deals.

Join 100+ industry leaders that work with Venture IQ

Build proprietary company databases with minimal effort
Get to know all companies in your target markets
Automate company screening to build your pipeline
Unrivaled insights, through powerful automation
Collaborate to share and retain knowledge
Data-driven insights for confident decision-making
Market Mapping

Make confident decisions with full market visibility

Unlock deep market insights with Venture IQ's market mapping service. From target longlists to industry trends, we provide a comprehensive understanding of companies within your focus industry. Rely on our expertise and insights tailored to your needs, so you can execute your next deal with confidence.

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Deal sourcing

Focus on the deals that matter

M&A deal origination takes a targeted and selective approach, and matching your goals to the right companies can be a laborious process. Venture IQ can help make your deal origination efforts easier with support, research tools, and data that allow you to find the right companies—quickly. Our deal origination software Catalist provides enriched information and enables a highly efficient origination process.

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Deal Sourcing

Data-driven target selection

The best M&A teams rely on objective data for decision making in their deal origination process. Venture IQ can provide rich data and help set the right criteria to get you from a long- to short-list of targets. By automating data enrichment with external sources in our software platform Catalist, we make sure you get up-to-date insights on FTE, Funding, Revenue, and more.

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Catalist can help you find web based evidence for the most important datapoints
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About Us
Patent Database
Company profiles are automatically enriched with website text and more.

Add intelligence and automation with Catalist

One platform to find, understand, collaborate, and track companies. Catalist harnesses automation, AI, and data analysis to drive efficiency in deal origination, company screening, deal flow management, and collaboration. Capitalize on Catalist to gather and process more companies to find your perfect match.

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Customer Stories

We work with leading M&A, innovation and strategy teams from companies in every industry to drive meaningful engagements.